Tuesday, March 17, 2009

more spring than break, part II: pixies, a womens ice climbing festival in valdez

a mind-blowing eight hour drive

a necessary two hour nap

the gorgeous 'green steps' waterfall (photo by megan)

some girls wore boas, some drank beer

some even wore wings

but mainly we just climbed

i'm the one on the left.
a big chunk of ice came off and hit me right on my lip, and i'm pretty sure that in the exact moment that this picture was taken i'm trying to relieve the pain by rapping my swelling lips around a little piece of ice and keep them there till the numbness replaced the pain. worked like a charm (photo by leneisja)

it's surprising how sexy an oversize down jacket, a helmet, and a tight harness - all in neon colors - can make you feel (photo by leneisja)

the charming and bizarre town of valdez

nothing like a brisk ski to get the life and warmth back into those freezing and cramping limps

hard core climbing chicks enjoying a well deserved beer at the ice climbing festival party (surprisingly many men - it being a womens event and all)

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